Thursday, June 15, 2017

Then said Jesus, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34a KJV I think one of the hard things of parenting is the letting things go when your feelings are hurt. I feel sometimes that "hey, I have rights too! I have feelings too and this process is hard for me too!" It's that Self cropping up, the orphan in me that wants my own way, wants it easy ! Ha! A dear friend last night shared how even Jesus had to walk through the garden and crucifixion. That it's about Him being WITH us, not taking away the hard times. I slip into Him being a genie and want the perfection that we think is promised to us with Jesus but looking at his life in the Bible, it was messy, dirty, primitive, hard, bloody, hurtful. REAL. And so we are living Real! Ha! If I had a glass of Sweet Red, I'd toast all of u who are currently living your Real and encourage u that it's ok to live there, it's not permanent, and Jesus IS extra close if u continually look 4 Him. Sometimes it's just a flash like a laugh or a smile, a quick moment. Other times it's the sweetness of His lingering presence but He's faithful😍

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